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The Private Water

Fly Fish the Adirondacks Guide service offers access to premier private and semi private fishing waters. These waters offer excellent angling opportunities without the hassles of working around other anglers and wondering if the waters have been fished the day before.

FFTA offers you a section of private water on a Northern NY river. The water's structure is riffles and large pools with the river bed being gravel and small stones. This section of the river is not stocked, all fish are either wild browns, wild rainbows with a small percentage of stocked browns and rainbows that have worked from their stocking location. As with most private pay for waters, the waters are well stocked, this is not the cased for this section of private water, this is natural reproduction water that sees very few anglers resulting in good numbers of fish, basically this water is not a "manicured water" for anglers seeking "easy and guaranteed" fishing gratification, you will have to fish for your quarry, with 15 years of guiding this section I have witnessed excellent results with very few dismal trips.

The Private water offers tremendous opportunities at wild brown trout!!
